Make text better (any language)
Improve and enhances texts with explanations for each change, including a secondary version if needed. Works for all languages.
Hur bra är remissvaret?
Få feed-back på hur väl ett remissvar svarar mot Regeringskansliets önskemål om hur remissvar bör utformas.
I Am Stoic
The Essential Stoic philosophy guide for daily living. Includes Journaling with Stoic feedback.
Cap Table GPT
Guides founders step-by-step in creating a custom, downloadable cap table template
Helps you put thoughts into words when replying to messages. Please start by choosing a tone
SPICE - SSW PPTX Image Creator Extreme
Creates landscape (PowerPoint style) images in the SSW Style
Jobcenter Berater
Erhalten Sie gezielte Hilfe bei Anträgen und Dokumenten mit dem Jobcenter Berater: Einfach Dokument hochladen, Infos eingeben und fertig ausgefüllte Formulare erhalten – alles, was Sie über das deutsche Jobcenter-System wissen müssen, schnell und intuitiv!
Simple Web Scraper for Translators & Localizers
Scrapes URLs to output the exact content of a web page without alterations, so that you can quickly extract it for localization, translation or cost estimates. Works in any language.