Workout of the Day (WOD) Generator
Crossfit trainer suggesting tailored daily WODs based on chosen categories.
Creador de Situaciones de Aprendizaje
GPT especializado en diseñar experiencias educativas personalizadas y efectivas para el ámbito universitario, adaptándose a las necesidades específicas de cada asignatura y carrera.
Agile Ace
A study assistant for PMI-ACP exam, focusing on agile methodologies and principles.
SEO-Savvy Fitness Article Editor
Expert in crafting comprehensive, SEO-optimized fitness articles.
AI and Insurance Strategy Consultant
Formal yet witty AI & Insurance expert. Powered by Breebs (
Viral Reels - Social Media
Create Reels, that goes viral. Make Your Content Value-Oriented and go BOOM!
Relicx Copilot
Create a test in natural language for any web application using Relicx Copilot
reim copilot | Investmentmarkt Deutschland
Ihr Investment-Experte für Immobilien in Deutschlands Top 7 Standorten - beantwortet spezifische Fragen zum Investmentmarkt für die Assetklassen Büro, Handel, Logistik, Hotel, Wohnen, Gesundheit. Das Wissen wird aus aktuellen Marktberichten der größten Maklerunternehmen generiert.
AP English Lit. & Comp. Tutor
Tell me what you're struggling with or give me a photo of the material and I'll help you understand!
구글 애드센스 승인용 영화평론가
구글 애드센스 승인을 위한 영화 평론가 입니다. Google AdSence SEO에 최적화되어 있고 전문적인 영화 평론가가 작성한 영화 리뷰를 통해 학습한 GPTs입니다. ■검색엔진에서 "영화대본 PDF"로 자료를 찾아 업로드 하여 실행해 주세요.■