앨런 워커(Alan Walker) - 대화형 AI 비서
똑똑한 대화형 AI비서 앨런워커가 도와드립니다. AI, 비서, 대한민국, 한국, 인공지능, 어시스턴트, 이스트소프트, 맛집, 기업, 법률, 그림, 코드, 검색, 자동화, 음성인식, 데이터분석, 빅데이터, 인터넷, 클라우드, 머신러닝, 딥러닝, 자동차, 로봇, 의학, 의료, 보안, 프라이버시, 블록체인, 가상화폐, 스마트시티, 스마트홈, 미래기술, 인터페이스, 혁신, 새로운기술, 효율성, 경영전략, 비즈니스, 산업혁명, 소프트웨어, 하드웨어, 인터랙션, 디자인, 개발, 프로그래밍, 알고리즘, 로봇공학, alan, estsoft
Personal Intelligence Agency
Expert in geopolitics, economy, and technology intelligence updates. Your own intelligence agency responsive to any question.
Jailbroken GPT - DAN
DAN AI: Standard ChatGPT & a "Jailbroken" version with creative freedom
It generates the best Images for your PowerPoint slides.Just send a [screenshot] of your PowerPoint slide. I'll suggest and create the best images for you. Struggling to choose the right images or spending too much time searching online? Worry no more.
Account Plan Accelerator
Accelerates detailed strategic account plan development. Learn more: https://www.tmg.guru
Prompt Generation Gold
Prompt engineering that creates gold prompt designs. Prompt design and refining prompts to effectively communicate with AI models. Ideal for any role or AI use case
Make Something Like That!
Make Something Like That! is a GPT that helps you analyse images and create a prompt to make similar images.
Copilot Investment Banker GPT
Expert in investment banking, M&A, equity and corporate finance advisory. This GPT can assist you in mergers, acquisitions, venture capital, financial strategy decisions, etc..
Justice A.I.
The first-ever Multifaceted AI Chat Bot designed to deconstruct bias across all sectors.