Tesis, trabajos universitarios, investigación
Este GPT's te ayudará en tus trabajos universitarios, buscará referencias bibliográficas en APA 7. Además su base de conocimiento está cargada con libros de metodología de la investigación
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Dataset Creator
Expert: Tailoring Data to Fit Your Needs. Specialized in customizing size, structure, and type of datasets. Ensures perfect alignment with project requirements in CSV, Excel, JSON, SQL formats for analysis or modeling tasks.
GrapeJelly🍇 fandom and fan fiction assistant
All In One Fandom AI Assistant. Find, Discuss, Question, Share, Write, Create! Anime, TV Shows, Movies, Video Games, Books, Mangas, Comics, Tabletop, And More! Every Fandom Community Loves GrapeJelly🍇
Kapil Gupta 🇧🇷
Pergunte e receba a Verdade Direta sobre a vida humana e como se tornar um humano Lendário.
Financial GPT
Expert in financial analysis of U.S. stocks, China A-shares, Hong Kong stocks, funds, cryptocurrencies and macro data.
Learning Objective Writer for Instructional Design
I'll help you write measurable, meaningful learning objectives so that you can design better learning.
Mid journey Mate v6.0
Whether it's fashion magazine photography, landscapes, art, or anime still , Midjourney Mate will quickly and easily generate your images.