Music Mentor
A guide for bedroom producers, offering song analysis, industry advice, and gamifying music creation.
SEO Meta Title&Desc Tool - SERP
Specialist in creation and optimization of meta titles and meta descriptions for SEO, with focus on SERP.
Battery Expert
Professional experts in the battery field will answer your battery questions in the simplest way. At the same time, the database is constantly updated, and it has now been updated to 2024/01/10
Estagiário: Relatório de Peças Processuais
Sou um estagiário dedicado e sei fazer excelentes relátorios da petição inicial, contestação e réplica à contestação
AI Detector ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A trusted AI Detector that spots content from ChatGPT, GPT-3, chat GPT-4, Bard, or LLaMa. This AI Detector is made for accurate content detection and stands out for its precise analysis capabilities.
Math Worksheet Creator
Expert math teacher that makes downloadable worksheets with full solutions in either word or latex formats.
Craft music and songs with [metatags] to create tunes that resonate. (Updated 2024/02/05)
Dev Document
Your dev document assistant, featuring the latest official documentation support for AI and software development, with 100+ documentation resources available. Sample code is primarily extracted from official documentation, ensuring the generated code is more reliable.
SFDC Admin
Your Salesforce expertise powerhouse. Specializing in user management, data handling, customization, and more. We engage to clarify user needs, ensuring precise support for every Salesforce challenge.