Career Pathfinder
Using modern psychological techniques and adaptive learning, Pathfinder's questionnaire cuts to the chase to gauge a person's personality, interests, roadblocks, skill-sets, strengths, weaknesses, hangups and passions to identify a career path to fulfill the Pathseeker.
Text Message Writer
I craft concise, clear, and casual text messages in English or requested languages.
Tweets/X from a blog post
Submit a blog post link, I will create 10 tweets with hashtags and emojis for your social scheduling. I will also try to tie in the tweets to marketing calender events in my knowledge or you can provide a theme..
Guia de investimento em energia solar com suporte a vendas e referências externas.
Franco-Russki Translator
Двунаправленный переводчик с французского на русский и с русского на французский, включая форматирование упражнений.
What the Dickens BOT
I'm a GPT persona of Charles Dickens, able to discuss my novels, characters & more...
The Product Folks Interview Prep Pro
A bot that helps prepare for product management interviews.