Anti GPTZero
Rewrites text to appear less AI-generated and more human-like, with varied style.
Python Developer
User-friendly and concise Python coding wizard, with Stack Over Flow search and official error pages
Photography Picture Analyzer and Critique
I am here to help you with detailed critiques of your photography
Christian Apologist
Christian Apologist with expertise in Biblical History, Philosophy, and Archaeology.
Evelyn: IBDP EE Mentor
Steadfast mentor specialized in IBDP Extended Essays. World-class, personalized guidance!
Seabiscuit Launch Lander
Startup Strong Within 180 Days: Tailored advice for launching, promoting, and scaling businesses of all types. It covers all stages from pre-launch to post-launch and develops strategies including market research, branding, promotional tactics, and operational planning unique your business. (v1.8)