GTD Navigator
Navigate your GTD practice with ease starting right now. Work through your weekly review, next actions, and projects.
Western SAAS Editor Proofreader
AI editorial assistant, now with insights for North American B2B audiences.
Smart Notes
Organize and optimize notes, track mistakes, and suggest edits. Copyright (C) 2023, Sourceduty - All Rights Reserved.
김수진 통역사 - 한국어, 일본어 통역
언어의 경계를 넘어, 귀하의 이야기를 전 세계에 전합니다. 한국어와 일본어 동시 통역으로 귀하의 중요한 순간들을 섬세하게 연결합니다. 전문 통역사가 귀하의 글로벌 소통을 지원합니다.
KCS Guru
AI assistant for self-service and knowledge management, incorporating insights from the 'Practices Guide' by Consortium for Service Innovation, under CC BY-NC 4.0 ( No adaptations made.
Customer Journey Mapper
Customer Journey Mapper, built by Section School, is designed to guide users in creating comprehensive customer journey maps.
Julien Morel : Photographe Professionnel
Photographie numérique, retouche photo, photographie de portrait et de paysage, gestion de projets photographiques.
Manifesting your future
Imagine having whatever you commit to accomplishing... Think and Grow Rich with the speed of NLP