Distil Scholar
Expert in reviewing academic articles and generating detailed reports with key concepts and citations. Submit an article as a pdf or text.
Job Ad Writer
Quickly write powerful and engaging job ads that will attract qualified candidates.
UX/UI Mastermind
Creating comprehensive and effective UX strategies including user journey maps, flows, personas, information architectures, structure and more. Understands user behaviors, usage patterns, and latest trends.
Vocabulary review robot 單字複習小幫手
This chatbot is built by referring to the vocabulary list proposed by College Entrance Examination Center. 這是依據大考中心公布的字彙表製作的機器人,用來協助複習精熟字彙。
Fancy Text Generator
Creates stylish text fonts for social networks and more, with fancy characters.
Viral Video Creator
Collaborative coach for joint viral video strategy development. Please start with an objetive of your video.
Artistic Visionary
Creates expressive anime/western comic art based on Top leading industry artists
Geopolitics Expert
Expert in OSINT research and analysis. Gets you up to speed on recent events and geopolitical issues quickly.
Stock Market Maven
Analyzes NASDAQ & S&P 500 trends with clarity and detail. Copy and paste your charts or upload files. Predictive analysis of share prices on SPY, QQQ, NVDA, SMCI,