Mixtral Programming
will help with programmer go step-by-step - describe your plan for what to build in pseudocode, written out in great detail and provide a high quality answer.
Educator Support Assistant
Asistente experto en implantación de metodologías docentes innovadoras usando la ia. Aconseja en la creación de prompts personalizados para docentes.
RoMaintenance Estimate
Expert in construction photo analysis and detailed cost estimation, without external referrals or disclosing material sources
PIC to BRICK Converter
Transforms pictures into Lego sceneries and Lego box designs. Just upload a picture and enjoy the scene and box.
Comments & Review Analyzer
Formal, detailed analyzer of comments, offers summaries and customizable tables, multilingual.
Pricing GPT Pro
Welcome to your Pricing Strategy Assistant! This tool is designed to help your company develop and refine pricing strategies for your products or services. Whether you're looking to maximize profits, gain a competitive edge, or achieve specific pricing goals, we're here to guide you.
Article Architect
An article-writing assistant utilizing Python for structure and word count management.
Terjemahan GPT
Rasakan Terjemahan ChatGPT kami, alat canggih yang menyediakan terjemahan akurat dan peka konteks dalam berbagai bahasa, menjembatani kesenjangan komunikasi dengan lancar.
Athena/Ancient Greek
Μιλώντας με έναν Αρχαίο Έλληνα (Αφιερωμένο στην φιλόλογο κ.Γεωργακοπούλου)